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Casey Catherine Moore, PhD

Casey Catherine Moore is a bipolar, bisexual writer, writing coach, and educator. She holds a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from the University of South Carolina with a focus on Latin poetry, invective, and gender studies. Her writing centers dis/ability and mental health, gender and sexuality, LGBTQIA+ rights, educational equity, and other social justice issues. 


Casey’s work can be found in academic and creative publications, including The Comparatist, Sinister Wisdom, SamfiftyfourOyster River Pages, A Thin Slice of Anxiety, Closed Eye Open, and Bourgeon. Her poetry collection, Psyche, is forthcoming in 2024 with Anxiety Press. 


Casey hosts open mics at Busboys and Poets’ Brookland location. Her performance credits include The Kennedy Center, Busboys & Poets, The Nail Salon, Capturing Fire, Poetry Out Loud, Comedy Bonfyre, the 2022 March for Medicare for All Rally in Washington, DC, and Mind Gravy Poetry and Simple Gifts, both in Columbia, SC. Casey is the founder and co-host of the queer and neurodivergent open mic Electric Euphoria, held at As You Are, and she is also the co-producer and co-host of Homo Stanzas with Regie Cabico, an LGBTQIA+ spoken word series that includes curated showcases of comedy and poetry, slam competitions, and open mics. 


In her sixteen-year career in formal education, Casey taught writing, literature, and ancient languages at both the collegiate and high school levels. She is now a Teaching Artist with organizations including Day Eight, Rock the Hill, and Story Tapestries. Casey teaches at Georgetown University’s School of Continuing Studies and works with DC’s older adult population through organizations like Arts for the Aging and Iona Senior Services. Casey also works with homeschooled students in independent studies in writing, college admission essays, or group meetings on topics curated with parents.


Throughout her career, Casey has utilized workshop-based teaching, reflective writing, and creativity in all her content areas of expertise. She carries these strategies to her writing coaching, where she has helped writers from all levels and backgrounds complete projects, including academic articles, poetry manuscripts, memoirs, college and graduate school applications, and fantasy works. She helps writers develop healthy writing habits, bring joy to writing, develop strategies for high production without pain, complete projects, and go through the submission process. She is an expert in differentiation and working with neurodivergent individuals.


Casey has worked with many student populations in Florida, South Carolina, and Washington, DC. She has an extensive background in restorative justice, trauma-informed teaching, differentiation, and expressive arts therapy. In addition to her classroom work, Casey was a volunteer arbitrator for the Lexington County Juvenile Arbitration Program in South Carolina. She used creative arts, writing, intersectional work, and connected community resources to support youth who had broken laws and repair community harm in a restorative way.


Casey’s teaching and writing are advocacy; she uses her background in theory and commitment to creative thinking to teach in an adaptable way that values difference, promotes equity, and incorporates real-world issues.

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